
Table of Content

    , Volume 1 Issue 4

    Reflection on the Method of Digital Humanities  #br#

    Yang Qinfeng
    2021, 1(4):  3-10. 
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    One view, digital humanities as technological method, has been accepted generally. Its nature is instrumental understanding. Although Literary field has reflected this view and put forward that digital humanities is a kind of research paradigm. It is so weak and limited by instrumental understanding. In order to strengthen the reflection, we must focus on instrumental understanding and point out the dimension covered. The meaning of digital humanities is not only to open the non-text field on humanities research, but also to make possible to discover the non-human experience, digital objects.
    On the Value of the Inexact Sciences
    Jacob Grimm, Trans.Lu Yiling , Cheng Lin
    2021, 1(4):  12-14. 
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    According to Jacob Grimm’s definition, sciences can be divided into “exact sciences”, which consists of natural sciences such as mathematics, physics and chemistry as well as “inexact sciences”, which includes humanities such as history, linguistics and poetry. The “exact sciences” have been long valued because of the huge contribution they have brought to the productivity. However, the “inexact sciences” possess on the other side a great power which can carry the culture and hold the folks of a nation together. “Poetry” is meanwhile described as “the science of all sciences”.

    On Planning and Implementing a Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum
    Theodor Mommsen Trans.Shi Shuangbin
    2021, 1(4):  15. 
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    The German scholar Mommsen was the main organizer of the “Großwissenschaft” (big science) of the 19th century philology. In the proposal “On planning and implementing a Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum”, he pointed out that the success of the Corpus depends not only on whether all the inscriptions can be compiled into the Corpus in a proper way for the convenience of use, but also on whether it can be used for the research of the future inscription editors and epigraphers. He organized interdisciplinary cooperation among scholars from different countries, critically appraised the works of the predecessors and improved the method of arranging inscriptions. He planned to arrange the inscriptions through the systematic and topographical method and emphasized the advantages of the topographical method in scientific index.
    From Digital Archives to Digital Humanities: The Re-conceptualisation of English Archival Thinking
    Tu Hsuan-Ying
    2021, 1(4):  30. 
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    The reform of the Renaissance historiography, with more emphasis on primary sources, founded the English tradition of historical positivism, but provoked the compulsive obsession or anxiety for archives. The need of sustainable preservation and convenient access to collective memory, have promoted the quick development of digital archives. However, conventional scholarship never stops suspecting digital humanities of its methodologies and databases, consequently hampering the transformation of digital archives to digital humanities in Britain. This article will explore the challenge of digital humanities in the English historiography. It focuses particularly on the reconceptualization of English archives in terms of digital databases, as well as the reconstruction of memory institution and collective memory in the new digital age.
    From Digital Archives to Digital Humanities: Thoughts on the Development of Digital History in Mainland China
    Hu Heng
    2021, 1(4):  38. 
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    Digital archives in mainland China has developed rapidly since the 21th century. The digitalization of historical texts has changed the ecology of history. However, there are still some divergences between commercialization and public welfare, long-term planning and public sharing, and data quality control system. From digital archives to digital humanities has become a general trend, as the development of digital humanities, universities and scientific research institutions should combine their own conditions to choose a suitable path of digital humanities development, and strive to respond to all kinds of doubts faced by digital humanities with solid data construction and research results.
    Smart Heritage: Defining the Discourse
    2021, 1(4):  92-102. 
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    The academic literature contains an increasing quantity of references to Smart Heritage. These references are at the intersection of the smart city and heritage disciplines and primarily within informative, interpretative, and governance applications. The literature indicates the future expansion of the Smart Heritage discourse into additional applications as researchers apply smart technology to more complex cultural environments. The Smart Heritage discourse signals an advancement in the literature beyond Digital Heritage and Virtual Heritage discourses as Smart Heritage pivots on the active curatorship of heritage experiences by automated and autonomous technologies, rather than technology as a passive digital tool for human-curated experiences. The article comprehensively reviews the emergent Smart Heritage discourse for the first time in the academic literature, and then offers a contemporary definition that considers the literature to date. The review and definition draw on literature across the contributing disciplines to understand the discourse’s development and current state. The article finds that Smart Heritage is an independent discourse that intertwines the autonomous and automatic capabilities and innovation of smart technologies with the contextual and subjective interpretation of the past. Smart Heritage is likely the future vanguard for research between the technology and heritage disciplines.
    History Teaching Practice of Digital Humanities Programming
    2021, 1(4):  103-112. 
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    Based on analyzing the importance of computer programming in the field of digital humanities and the necessity for humanities scholars to master programming, this paper introduces an effective methods of teaching programming for digital humanities by taking the programming course for history major as an example. We sorted out and classified some popular digital humanities research methods, and built the course code base at different levels. Based on that, we realized the "scaffolding" and "pipeline" framework of teaching programming for the history major students. It greatly reduced the requirements for humanities students to learn programming to solve problems and ensured the learning effect. On the basis of programming courses, the model of "scaffolding + pipeline" is extended to the cultivation of computational thinking in humanities majors, and verified by the practice of digital humanities courses. We hope it could help to explore a practical and operational scheme that can truly improve the application of computer to solve professional problems for humanities scholars.