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    Panorama and Prospect:Digital Humanities and National Strategy for Digitalization of CultureOverview of the 2022 China Digital Humanities Conference

    Yang Zekun, Li Shaojian, Kai Limai
    Digital Humanities Research    2023, 3 (1): 3-17.  
    Abstract637)      PDF(pc) (1824KB)(1190)       Save
    Co-hosted by the School of Information Resource Management of Renmin University China,the Re- search Center for Digital Humanities of Renmin University China,and the Digital Humanities Professional Committee of the China Society of Indexers,the 2022 China Digital Humanities Annual Conference (CDH 2022) was held online from November 26th to 27th,2022. With the theme of " Panorama and Prospect:Digital Humanities and National Strat- egy for Digitalization of Culture" and under the background of the National Strategy for Digitalization of Culture,the conference discussed the long-term blueprint for the panoramic presentation of Chinese culture and the continuous ex- pansion and breakthrough of digital humanities in depth. The conference held eight general forums and two youth forums to present the papers,selected and awarded outstanding digital humanities papers and projects,and founded an education sub-forum. This paper summarizes the papers,projects,and the education sub-forum discussions of this an- nual conference and analyzes the current research trend and major research topics of Chinese digital humanities re- search.
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    The Contemporary Reconstruction of Tang Chang' an Urban Space in The Longest Day in Chang' an: A perspective of Literary Cartography
    Digital Humanities Research    2021, 1 (2): 9-20.  
    Abstract1098)      PDF(pc) (17612KB)(727)       Save
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    An On-Site Study and Its GIS Presentation of the Grand Canal in Painting Album of the Great Canal Journeys by Qian Gu and Visual Travelogue of A Journey Through the Waterways by Zhang Fu of Ming Dynasty

    Chien Chin-Sung Liao Hsiung-Ming Wang Yong Zhang Shujun Tang Chen Yan Cheng Xie Dinghong
    Digital Humanities Research    2023, 3 (1): 50-60.  
    Abstract185)      PDF(pc) (4617KB)(704)       Save

    Qian Gu(钱榖) 's Painting Album of the Great Canal Journeys(《纪行图册》) was based on Wang Shizhen(王世贞)'s Shi Jin Ji Xing(《适晋纪行》) in the fourth year of the Longqing reign (1570) in June and was painted into 32 scenes from Cangshan Xiaozhi Garden(仓山小祗园) to Yangzhou Yangzi Bridge(扬州扬子桥). Zhang Fu(张复)'s Visual Travelogue of A Journey Through the Waterways(《水程图》)was drawn on the boat going north when Wang Shizhen entered the position of Taipu(太仆) in the second year of Wanli (1574) in February. He depicted 52 scenes from Shao Bo(邵伯)to Tongzhou(通州). Both works were done in a realistic style and are consid- ered exceptional in the Ming dynasty's painting history. This article uses the on-site study method to undertake three tasks. First,since Wang Shizhen's trip to the north coincided with the Great Canal's changing period during the comple- tion of the Longqing Xinhe(隆庆新河) and the discussion of the Jiahe(泇河),this article intends to digitize all the waterways they passed through. Second,Qian Gu stated that he wanted to record the true landscape at that time,so this article uses travel diaries,local gazetteers,ancient and modern maps,and my own research results through the on-site study to explain each illustration and verify the degree of realism depicted by the painters. Third,the value of the more than 80 scenes is like discovering a large box of Ming dynasty videotapes. This article will reveal the true appearance of the Great Canal in the Ming dynasty in a visual and expressive manner through the true nature of the scenes.

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    Narrative Study in the Digital Age:A Review of Digital Narrative Spaces:An Interdisciplinary Examination
    Song Jie
    Digital Humanities Research    2022, 2 (3): 101-111.  
    Abstract505)      PDF(pc) (1078KB)(523)       Save

    The issue of space has received attention widely in the field of narratology all along. In this age characterized by the rapid development of digital media, digital narrative space becomes narrative researchers’ focal point naturally. The book Digital Narrative Spaces: An Interdisciplinary Examination, featured with interdisciplinarity, transmediality and cross-genre, explores narrative space in different digital media in detail, which not only deepens narrative and literary spatial studies, but also inspires literary studies a lot. In brief, the book is refreshing for it broadens the dimension of studies on narrative space in theoretical propositions, research targets, research approaches and some other aspects.

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    Digital Humanities Construction in the Development of Smart MuseumsThe Practice of Shanghai Museum as an Example
    Liu Jian
    Digital Humanities Research    2022, 2 (3): 39-49.  
    Abstract364)      PDF(pc) (8398KB)(521)       Save
    It has been nearly 10 years since the emergence of the concept of smart museums. In the practice of smart museum construction, after collecting a large amount of data, the use of the data appears to be less than satisfactory, and to some extent this can be said to be a bottleneck faced by the construction of smart museums. How to break through this stagnation and start from data collection, management, and mining to form a new model of museum knowledge production and organization services, so that the core functions of smart museums, such as smart management, smart conservation, and smart services, can operate firmly, and in this regard, the emerging digital humanities research in the humanities provides good methods and tools to learn from. 
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    The Construction of Digital Humanities Theory and the Discipline—— A Review of Digital Humanties : Knowledge and Critique in a Digital Age
    Wang Lihua , Liu Wei
    Digital Humanities Research    2021, 1 (1): 1-16.  
    Abstract727)      PDF(pc) (1796KB)(468)       Save
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    Digital Humanities Research    2022, 2 (4): 3-13.  
    Abstract254)      PDF(pc) (2643KB)(437)       Save
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    The History, Methods, and Future of the China Biographical Database(CBDB) Project
    Digital Humanities Research    2021, 1 (1): 21-33.  
    Abstract830)      PDF(pc) (1713KB)(366)       Save
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    Study on Tongyuan Zidian with Database Method

    Fang Shuyi
    Digital Humanities Research    2022, 2 (4): 93-106.  
    Abstract113)      PDF(pc) (1126KB)(365)       Save
    As Wang Li is masterpiece in his later years,Tongyuan Zidian is of epoch-making significance in the history of Chinese etymology. Due to the complexity of the text in Tongyuan Zidian,quantitative analysis can only be  carried out effectively relying on computer information processing. Based on MS Access 2019 platform, the establishment of a full-text database not only helpsus to sort out those features,but also examines the distribution of cognate words in Chinese and their internal linking rules from multiple perspectives. In that case,all achievements or deficiencis of this book will be judged more objectively. Anyway,it will offer a newreference model to the later digitizing 
    workon the samekind of dictionaries.
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    Towards Language Sensitivity and Diversity in the Digital Humanities
    Digital Humanities Research    2022, 2 (3): 3-20.  
    Abstract276)      PDF(pc) (1205KB)(361)       Save

    Recent years have seen a growing focus on diversity in the digital humanities,and yet there has been rather less work on geolinguistic diversity,and the research which has been carried out often focuses on the structures of geographic representation in the field or has viewed ‘language’ as a technical or linguistic problem to solve. This article takes a different view,namely that we need to consider this diversity through multiple ‘frames’ of digitally-mediated language and culture,and that this is not just a question of epistemic justice or community manners,but that the digital humanities also need to address more actively challenges around global dynamics of digital multilingualism,transcultural exchange and geodiversity in its research agenda. This paper explores these questions through the prism of ‘language indifference’ in digital studies and, responding to Galina’s call for better data on the state of geolinguistic diversity in DH(2014),it articulates possible frameworks for addressing this diversity in a strategic, programmatic and research-led manner. We conclude by exploring the role of a greater multilingual focus in what Liu calls ‘the techne of diversity’ in digital humanities(2020),and contend that the digital humanities has much to gain,and much to offer,in engaging more fully with the languages-related cultural challenges of our era.

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    Digital Imaging in Historical Linguistics: The Guyinxiaojing Website
    Sheng Yihan, Tian Yujiao
    Digital Humanities Research    2022, 2 (1): 86-99.  
    Abstract1444)      PDF(pc) (19704KB)(342)       Save
    The Guyinxiaojing is a non - profit historical linguistics knowledge sharing website created and opera- ted by individuals. It adopts a model in which many traditional Chinese linguistics enthusiasts provide materials and participate in the construction. As a linguistic database,Guyinxiaojing contains important materials in various fields of traditional Chinese linguistics. With a wide range of contents , novel and diverse presentation formats,and various practical tools,this website facilitates the teaching and research of traditional linguistics. As a mature digital humanities pro- ject based on the crowdsourcing construction of manyenthusiasts,Guyinxiaojing has achieved excellent results in many aspects such as resources digitization,database construction,functional services,website operation,etc.,and is unique and sustainable. Such project's organization and construction results are worthy of referencefor constructing linguistics databases and all digital humanities projects.
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    Visualizing Music Similarity:Clustering and Mapping 500 Classical Music Composers
    Patrick Georges, Ngoc Nguyen, Trans.Zhang Jiaming
    Digital Humanities Research    2022, 2 (1): 68-85.  
    Abstract286)      PDF(pc) (20794KB)(290)       Save
    This paper applies clustering techniques and multi-dimensional scaling (MDS) analysis to a 500 x 500 composers'similarity/distance matrix. The objective is to visualizeor translate the similarity matrix into dendro- grams and maps of classical (European art) music composers. We construct dendrograms and maps for the Baroque, Classical ,and Romantic periods ,and a map that represents seven centuries of European art music in one single graph. Finally,we also use linear and non - linear canonical correlation analyses to identify variables underlying the dimen- sions generated by the MDS methodology.
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    Key Technologies for Digitization of Ancient Chinese Books
    Digital Humanities Research    2021, 1 (3): 83-88.  
    Abstract395)      PDF(pc) (808KB)(287)       Save

    Chinese historical and cultural classics are the great treasure of the Chinese nation. In the digital environment, the realization of digital documentation and utilization of ancient books can provide basic resources for digital humanities research, history research and other humanities researches, and it also serves as an important support for promoting the creative transformation and innovative development of Chinese civilization. The work of digitization includes the electronization of paper resources, as well as basic processing and deep knowledge extraction such as sentence segmentation, punctuation, and word segmentation based on electronic texts. This article reviews and comments on the existing technical methods and platforms of the digital collation of ancient books, analyzes its challenges, and discusses its future development direction.

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    A Data-driven Approach to Studying Changing Vocabularies in Historical Newspaper Collections

    Simon Hengchen, Ruben Ros, Jani Marjane, Mikko Tolonen, Trans. Fang Huakang
    Digital Humanities Research    2022, 2 (4): 74-92.  
    Abstract131)      PDF(pc) (6353KB)(280)       Save
    Nation and nationhood are among themost frequently studied concepts in the field ofintellectual history. At the same time,theword ‘nation and its historical usage are veryvague. The aim in this article was to develop a data-drivenmethod using dependencyparsing and neuralword embeddings to clarify some of the vagueness in the evo- lutionthis concept. To this end,we propose the following two-step method. First,usinglinguistic processing,we create a large set of words pertaining to the topic of nation. Second,we traindiachronicwordembeddings anduse themto quantify the strength ofthe semantic similarity between these words and thereby create meaningful clusters,which are then a- ligned diachronically. To illustrate the robustness of the study acrosslanguages,time spans,as well as large datasets,we apply it to the entirety of fivehistorical newspaper archives in Dutch,Swedish,Finnish,and English. To our knowledge, thus far there have been no large-scale comparative studies of this kind thatpurport to grasp long-term developments in as many as four different languages in adata-driven way. A particular strength of themethod we describe in this article is that,by design,it is not limited to the study of nationhood,but rather expands beyond it toother research questions and is reusable in different contexts.
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    Integrated Interdisciplinary Workflows for Research on Historical Newspapers: Perspectives from Humanities Scholars,Computer Scientists, and Librarians#br# #br#
    Sarah Oberbichler Emanuela Boroş Antoine Doucet Jani Marjanen Eva Pfanzelter Juha Rautiainen Hannu Toivonen Mikko Tolonen Trans. Zhang Chenwen
    Digital Humanities Research    2022, 2 (3): 83-100.  
    Abstract133)      PDF(pc) (8993KB)(279)       Save
    This article considers the interdisciplinary opportunities and challenges of working with digital cultural heritage, such as digitized historical newspapers, and proposes an integrated digital hermeneutics workflow to combine purely disciplinary research approaches from computer science, humanities, and library work. Common interests and motivations of the above-mentioned disciplines have resulted in interdisciplinary projects and collaborations such as the NewsEye project, which is working on novel solutions on how digital heritage data is(re)searched, accessed, used, and analyzed. We argue that collaborations of different disciplines can benefit from a good understanding of the workflows and traditions of each of the disciplines involved but must find integrated approaches to successfully exploit the full potential of digitized sources. The paper is furthermore providing an insight into digital tools, methods ,and hermeneutics in action, showing that integrated interdisciplinary research needs to build something in between the disciplines while respecting and understanding each others expertise and expectations.
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    A Review of the Digitization Achievements of Chinese Antique Maps at Home and Abroad
    Tian Qing, Li Xingui
    Digital Humanities Research    2021, 1 (3): 63-82.  
    Abstract385)      PDF(pc) (5453KB)(270)       Save

    Since the end of the 20th century, with the gradual rise of antique map digitization abroad, the introduction and discussion of antique map digitization technology in China has gradually matured. The needs of researchers and users for the sorting, research, storage and utilization of antique Chinese maps have promoted the digitization of antique maps to varying degrees. At present, there are abundant relevant achievements at home and abroad, and sorting them has become a basic work of Chinese antique map research. After sorting out and comparing these results through literature information retrieval and network information collection, it is found that although the existing digital results at home and abroad have their own characteristics, they still have major deficiencies in supporting humanities research. Using related research results to optimize the classification and attach importance to the digitization of related texts and documents should be the direction of improvement for the digitization of antique Chinese maps.

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    Spatial Distribution of Cities and Towns in the Late Qing Dynasty and Early Republic of China and Evaluation of Modern Economic Vitality Based on Multi-Source Data: Taking the Yellow River Basin as an Example
    Li Shuang, Sun Tao
    Digital Humanities Research    2022, 2 (1): 39-51.  
    Abstract209)      PDF(pc) (13550KB)(258)       Save
    As one of the important birth places of Chinese civilization, there are numerous historical cities and towns in the Yellow River Basin. Under the strategic background of ecological protection and high-quality development in the Yellow River Basin, the evaluation of the economic vitality of historical cities and towns is of great significance for the perception of regional human settlements and the overall assessment of the current status of the protection and utilization of historical cities and towns. Using multi-source spatial data (including topographic maps in the late Qing Dynasty and Early Repulic of China, and today's remote sensing images) to accurately locate historical towns in the Yellow River Basin, we performed multivariate quantitative analysis of area, distance from the river, elevation, slope, etc. ,and analyzed the spatial distribution using the nuclear density method. By constructing two light brightness indices of Luojia 1-01 night time light imagery,the economic vitality of historical city sites was identified,and the influencing factors of night light index was explored. Analyzing the results of night economic classification of cities and towns allows for the study of the protection and utilization of historical city sites in the Yellow River Basin and analysis of the integrity and spatial differences of regional historical cities and towns. In addition, this research also provides new ideas and attempts for historical urban geography and other related research from a data and methods perspective.
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    Japanese Digital Humanities Lurking Beneath Digital Archive and Data Science—A Country Perspective
    Digital Humanities Research    2022, 2 (1): 100-112.  
    Abstract294)      PDF(pc) (15592KB)(257)       Save
    Different from the boom in Europe,the United States and China,Japanese Digital Humanities research has been developing in a bottom - up pattern, showing a practice - oriented, internally directed development. Based on interviews with seven Japanese scholars from different humanities and social disciplines, the development of DH in Japan and the issues it encompasses are sorted out from three aspects: experiences and problems in the process of Digital Archive construction, the current state of acceptance of DH in Japan, and the future development of DH driven by Data Science, which are full of thought - provoking reflections. From a comparative perspective, three reflections are offered on the common problems in the development of DH across countries: the appropriateness of evaluating existing research results by "DH” ,the possibility of sustaining the development of DH by combining policy orientation and academic consciousness, and the importance of cultivating and implementing " Digital Thinking" for the promotion of both international and local DH in the region.
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    The Logic and Approach of Digital Reconstruction of Ancient Books in the Data Intelligence 
    LeiJueying, HouXilong, WangXiaoguang
    Digital Humanities Research    2022, 2 (2): 46-56.  
    Abstract339)      PDF(pc) (1746KB)(255)       Save
    With the continuous development of the ancient books protection plan and the digital publishing of the ancient books,China has accumulated a huge number of ancient books digital resources. Under the environment of data intelligence,how to apply new technologies and new ideas to realize the extraction,display,activation and utilization of excellent cultural genes contained in ancient books has gradually become the main goal and core task of ancient books digitalization in the new era. Based on the digitalization of ancient books,this paper puts forward the concept of"digital reconstruction of ancient books",and analyzes the differences between the two concepts. Then it refines the theoretical basis of digital reconstruction of ancient books,and constructs a stack model from the carrier record layer,content organization layer and application layer.The paper also puts forward the realization approach of digital reconstruction of ancient books from the five dimensions of theory,technology,users,mechanism and mode,which provides a reference for the in-depth development and activation of ancient book resources. Digital reconstruction of ancient books is an important part of the activation of ancient books in the future,which can provide a new guiding concept for the work of ancient books in the new era.
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    Digital Memory from the Perspective of Digital Humanities 一Concurrently Discussing the Method Characteristics of Digital Memory
    Digital Humanities Research    2021, 1 (1): 87-95.  
    Abstract326)      PDF(pc) (1209KB)(255)       Save
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    The Academic Practice and Enlightenment of Singapore Historical GIS
    Digital Humanities Research    2021, 1 (2): 75-84.  
    Abstract559)      PDF(pc) (4768KB)(236)       Save
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    The New Liberal Arts and New Digital Humanities Education
    Feng Huiling
    Digital Humanities Research    2022, 2 (4): 14-21.  
    Abstract215)      PDF(pc) (1067KB)(201)       Save
    This article summarizes the new characteristics of digital humanities educationas new educational pattern,new goals,new structure,and new roles. The new educational idea runs through the above-mentioned new characteristics. Digital humanities education has no definite position in the current discipline map. The intersection and cutting-in of multi-discipline make the discipline affiliation of digital humanities educationa diversified pattern. Digital humanities education does not pursue imparting definite knowledge,but aims to guide students to embrace open knowledge and strengthen thinking training. The long-span,multi-cues,and deeply integrated knowledge intersection of digital humanities has triggered multi-level structural updates,such as curriculum structure,teacher team structure,and teacher-student knowledge structure. Digital humanities education must shift from one-way indoctrination to student participatory learning,give more teaching resources to students,and implement open source education,which will lead to changes in the traditional roles of teachers and students.
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    Research on the Construction of "Metadata Ontology" of Chinese Traditional Music Knowledge Base#br#
    Cao Junjun, Li Junxuan, Wang Yuhe
    Digital Humanities Research    2022, 2 (4): 22-37.  
    Abstract153)      PDF(pc) (9305KB)(201)       Save
    The construction of the knowledge base of Chinese traditional music resources is in line with the cultural strategies of China to promote national music and prosper the music industry, and it also meets the demands of the joint construction of library resources in the music circle. The construction of " metadata ontology" is the key point, especially the design for the characteristics of Chinese traditional music and the knowledge structure of Chinese traditional musicology. The research is based on the practice of the "Chinese Traditional Music Culture Resource Bank" in the library of the China Conservatory of Music, especially in combination with the characteristics of its " image records" ,to carry out the design of the basic ontology scheme; combined with the characteristics of traditional music culture related to multiple fields, it constructs corresponding categories, relationships and semantic constraints, such as involving music genres, musical instruments, and thesaurus of ethnic groups, and semantic associations with repertoire, musicians, regions, and written documents. This program will benefit traditional music classification research and knowledge retrieval in vertical fields, and has application prospects in music geography and music anthropology community analysis.The construction of the knowledge base of Chinese traditional music resources is in line with the cultural strategies of China to promote national music and prosper the music industry, and it also meets the demands of the joint construction of library resources in the music circle. The construction of " metadata ontology" is the key point, especially the design for the characteristics of Chinese traditional music and the knowledge structure of Chinese traditional musicology. The research is based on the practice of the " Chinese Traditional Music Culture Resource Bank" in the library of the China Conservatory of Music, especially in combination with the characteristics of its "image records" ,to carry out the design of the basic ontology scheme; combined with the characteristics of traditional music
    culture related to multiple fields, it constructs corresponding categories, relationships and semantic constraints, such as involving music genres, musical instruments, and thesaurus of ethnic groups, and semantic associations with repertoire, musicians, regions, and written documents. This program will benefit traditional music classification research and knowledge retrieval in vertical fields, and has application prospects in music geography and music anthropology community analysis.
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    Analysis of the Digital Humanities Culture Analytics Field and Application Prospect of Large Language Models—Interview with Professor Matthew Wilkens
    Matthew Wilkens Yang Xiaoyan
    Digital Humanities Research    2023, 3 (2): 3-14.  
    Abstract381)      PDF(pc) (11481KB)(200)       Save
    Cultural analytics under the digital humanities is a research field where scholars combine quantitative analysis from mathematics,statistics,and social sciences with complex large-scale social and cultural datasets. The article is an interview with Dr. Matthew Wilkens of Cornell University,an active scholar in this field. It includes an introduction to the current situation of the field,his research experience,prospects,educational ideas,and more. Dr. Wilkens believes that the methods and technologies of digital humanistic culture analysis are transferable,but to avoid the impulse of generalization and generalization,the field still faces two major challenges: one technical and one conceptual.In particular,the idea that literary and historical problems such as cultural evolution cannot be solved by close reading and that the core of some quantitative research is still humanism is still difficult to accept. This difficulty of conceptual change will make digital humanities research within the humanities stagnate. At present,there are signs that the growth of digital humanities will occur in information science and other technical disciplines. At the same time,the rapidly developing large-scale generative models have great application potential in the field of cultural analytics. It will be an important trend for humanists to cooperate with developers of large-scale language models in the future.
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    Digital Humanities: Towards New Liberal Arts: Review of the 3rd Conference of Chinese Digital Humanities 2021
    Peng Yunzhu, Wang Runqi
    Digital Humanities Research    2022, 2 (1): 3-12.  
    Abstract622)      PDF(pc) (8290KB)(196)       Save

    It is an unremitting pursuit of contemporary scholars to build disciplines. The conference M New Liberal Arts? Positing the Digital Humanities in the New Era:The Third Conference of Chinese Digital Humanities"  organized by the Nanjing University and the Chinese Society of Indexing,has been held online on November 6 and 7 ,2021. This paper uses measurement and analysis methods to sort out the conference four types of papers presented at this conference,keynote lectures,group presentations,young scholars ’
 forums,and reports on digital infrastructure construction. This conference also collected and awarded outstanding digital the world. These fully demonstrate the research,construction achievements and reflections in China’s digital humanities field in 2021. Apart from that,this conference pioneered the " Digital Humanities Open Data Innovation Research Competition" with the help of a commercial platform and actively explored the integration path of industry,academia,and research in humanities. From this conference, we can see the opportunities offered by digital humanities under the digital wave , which can promote humanities , social sciences and science and engineering scholars to carry out multi-faced and multiple collaborations and innovations in research paradigms and contents. However, due to the pandemic, the conference failed to achieve the expected results in terms of international conversations.

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    Assisting Philosophical Arguments-Taking the Computation and Analysis of the Analects of Confucius,Mencius and Xunzi as Examples
    Digital Humanities Research    2021, 1 (2): 36-50.  
    Abstract318)      PDF(pc) (1666KB)(188)       Save
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    HU Cunlu HU Heng CHEN Bijia CAMPLELL Cameron
    Digital Humanities Research    2021, 1 (1): 34-47.  
    Abstract783)      PDF(pc) (1725KB)(186)       Save
    The Qing state established its system for categorizing local government administrative units during the reign of Yongzheng. In this categorization, zhilizhou (independent departments) were made up of counties and sanzhou (departments) were at same level as counties. Although there were fewer zhilizhou and sanzhou than there were counties and prefectures, their classification and the appointment of their officials had distinctive features. With the aid of the newly compiled data on the political divisions of the states in the newly revised History of Qing Dynasty, it can be seen that the quefen of zhilizhou are concentrated in the yaoque and the zhongque, while the zuiyaoque and jianque are less. Relatively moderate position in government-level administrative districts. The ratings (chongfanpinan) of zhou and sanzhou generally followed the same quefen categories as prefectures and counties: most significant, significant, medium, and simple. 15.4 percent of zhilizhou didn’t follow the rules of the system, as did 19.4 percent of the sanzhou. Most of the exceptions was related to the assignment of miaojiangque (quota in the ethnic Miao regions), yanheque (quota along the rivers), of bianque (border quota). 82.1 percent of zhilizhou were tidiaoque, that is with appointments made by the Governors-GeneralThis was a higher share than for prefectures. This is related to the classification of administrative units made at the beginning of the Qing, when the Imperial Court specified all of the zhou magistrates as positions to be appointed by the Governors-General. Later, some of the zhilizhou were reclassified so that their magistrates would be appointed by the Board of Personnel, while the majority remained as tidiaoque. Meanwhile, the proportion of tidiaoque of among sanzhou was 45.1 percent. As a result of this structure for quota assignment, the tidiaoque of sanzhou magistrates became the main channels of promotion for most county magistrates. In this article we track the origins, transitions, and promotions of zhou magistrates based on 37,320 records of zhilizhou and sanzhou magistrates extracted from CGED-Q (the Jinshenlu database). We demonstrate that zhou magistrates were largely promoted from among local officials, mostly county magistrates, rather than being sent from the central government. This is very different from the pattern of prefects. Through this analysis we draw attention to the key role of appointment as zhou magistrates in the career advancement of county level magistrates and the whole system of local officials.
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    Overview and Analysis of the Winning Projects of the International “Digital Humanities Award” in 2012-2019
    Digital Humanities Research    2021, 1 (2): 85-98.  
    Abstract318)      PDF(pc) (4765KB)(186)       Save
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    Chinese Historical Timing Ontology : Timing within a Day in a Historical Context
    Tang Zhengui Xiang Shuheng Luo Jinkun Hu Rong
    Digital Humanities Research    2021, 1 (2): 51-62.  
    Abstract194)      PDF(pc) (1919KB)(175)       Save
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    Johana Drucker, Trans.Zhu Zitong
    Digital Humanities Research    2022, 2 (2): 7-15.  
    Abstract202)      PDF(pc) (1142KB)(166)       Save

    Concepts of sustainability touch every aspect of scholarly work and are particularly urgent in thinking about those practices that depend on digital technology. The costs of digital scholarship are frequently posed in terms of human labor and rights abuses. Ecological and environmental damage carbon footprints. waste of resources associated with obsolescence. And other issues that affect every stage of the lifecycle of production. But sustainability also needs to be understood as an epistemic concept embedded in complex systems, not merely as a set of problems to be solved through instrumental means applied to operational logistics. This article addresses mechanistic approaches to sustain ability, while suggesting that the complexity of the concept of sustainability requires the humanistic methods and ethical principles to be engaged in decisions about future practices in pedagogy, research, and institutional sites.

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    How is "Exact Humanities" Possible— An Interview with Professor Gerhard Lauer
    Digital Humanities Research    2021, 1 (2): 3-8.  
    Abstract552)      PDF(pc) (1133KB)(166)       Save
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    Un-disappeared Geography:Context Perception,Geomedia and the Change of Man-land Relationship
    Ga Zangcao
    Digital Humanities Research    2022, 2 (2): 104-112.  
    Abstract185)      PDF(pc) (1136KB)(166)       Save
    The combination of Geomedia and mobile network makes the long-lost " disappeared geography" the spotlight of the internet; physical geography, where location, place, spaces, objects, and people are connected, breaking through the single relationship between people and content in the traditional internet. Digital geography has transformed from the information level of the traditional Internet into an important factor for the interconnection of all things. Focuses on sensor technology, context technology realizes the integration of physical context, social context and application context through perception, dativization and integration of geographic information. It is the beginning of the era of context. Geomedia has increasingly penetrated andintegrated into the real and social contexts and formed various application contexts, which have become the competitiveresources of mobile network. Based on the comprehensive digitization of Man-land, the new Man-land relationshippresents the characteristics of comprehensive datalization of human and land, heterogeneous public space, cocoon effect of Man-land relationship and re-localization.
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    Digital Humanities from the Perspective of Cultural Techniques Theory
    Liu Yongqiang Wu Hongyu
    Digital Humanities Research    2021, 1 (3): 3-10.  
    Abstract450)      PDF(pc) (1165KB)(163)       Save
    As an important academic resources for reflecting on digital culture, German Media Theory has gained increasing international attention over the past decade through translations by North American academics. One of the most interesting and productive paradigms is that of Cultural Techniques, which offers a new perspective for understanding digital culture and examining Digital Humanities, opening up a broader field of academic imagination. Focusing on the theoretical reflections and research findings of scholars of Cultural Techniques in the German-speaking countries, such as Friedrich Kittler, Sybille Krämer and Markus Krajewski, this paper outlines the exploration of digital culture and Digital Humanities from this theoretical perspective, with the aim of exploiting its potential for application and enriching the theoretical resources for the discussion on Digital Humanities.
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    Digital Humanities and the Emerging Framework for Digital Curation
    Arjun Sabharwal, Trans.LongJiaqing
    Digital Humanities Research    2022, 2 (2): 57-69.  
    Abstract223)      PDF(pc) (1181KB)(157)       Save

    Digital humanities (DH) represents an emerging framework for digital curation. This study focuses on the evolving relationship of the DH (including history) to digital curation and archives and describes the models of collaboration in the digital environment. A conceptual framework is presented, followed by discussions of scarcity and abundance, archival frameworks, models of collaboration, and a review of selected DH projects.Despite the semantic dis- agreements over the term archives, researchers and curators should consider each other's perspectives for continued collaboration.

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    Normativity Tendency, Cultural Differences, and Critical Creativity of Digital Humanities  —An Interview with Professor Johanna Drucker #br#
    Johanna Drucker Sun Jiarui
    Digital Humanities Research    2021, 1 (3): 11-17.  
    Abstract339)      PDF(pc) (955KB)(150)       Save

    With the vigorous development of digital humanities, it is of great significance for this field to critically examine and reflect on the achievements and limitations of its development. Through an interview with Professor Johanna Drucker, this paper examines and reflects on the development of digital humanities from the perspectives of digital humanities education, digital humanities and academia, and digital humanities research, focusing on issues such as education programs, curriculums, interdisciplinary collaborations, academic evaluation, sustainability and transparency, and research methods. There is a tendency towards normativity in the digital humanities work. “Normative digital gumanities” confines us to the shackles of conventional wisdom, stifles the possibilities of innovation, and even leads to the stagnation of the development of digital humanities. Respecting cultural differences, building integrated and sustainable digital infrastructures, and cultivating students’ critical thinking and creativity should be three primary goals for the future development of digital humanities.

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    "What is " and "How to do"——Summary  of "Defining Digital Humanities" Seminar
    Digital Humanities Research    2021, 1 (1): 16-20.  
    Abstract293)      PDF(pc) (603KB)(147)       Save
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    Semantic Enrichment of Data - Interpreting the New Trend of LAM Data in Supporting Digital Humanities
    Digital Humanities Research    2021, 1 (1): 65-86.  
    Abstract291)      PDF(pc) (2681KB)(147)       Save
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    Interpretation of Digital Humanities Higher Education in US iSchools

    Deng Jun, Yin Bei, Wang Ruan, Sun Shaodan
    Digital Humanities Research    2021, 1 (1): 105-113.  
    Abstract297)      PDF(pc) (1079KB)(147)       Save
    To provide strategic reference for optimizing the cultivation system of Digital Humanities in China, this paper tries to study and interpret the status quo of Digital Humanities higher education in Us iSchools. By means of Internet survey, the cultivation schemes together with its characteristics are sorted out.And current situation for Digital Humanities education are summarized from three dimensions of target level, operation level and guarantee level.Chinese universities should  extensively absorb  the practical experience of foreign digital humanities education  projects, based on the current development trend of higher education, and  form an innovative digital humanities talent training system with problem awareness as the basic orientation, innovation and reform as the fundamental driving force, and collaboration and sharing as the basis for development.
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    Short Review of Building Knowledge Graphs in Digital Humanities Domain : Methods and Practice
    Jia Junzhi
    Digital Humanities Research    2022, 2 (3): 112-112.  
    Abstract177)      PDF(pc) (716KB)(140)       Save
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    Understanding Memories of the Holocaust——A New Approach to Neural Networks in the Digital Humanities
    Tobias Blanke Michael Bryant Mark Hedges Trans. Zhang Sitong
    Digital Humanities Research    2022, 2 (2): 16-34.  
    Abstract185)      PDF(pc) (49446KB)(139)       Save
    This article addresses an important challenge in artificial intelligence research in the humanities,which has impeded progress with supervised methods. It introduces a novel method to creating test collections from smaller subsets. This method is based on what we will introduce as distant supervision' and will allow us to improve computational modelling in the digital humanities by including new methods of supervised learning. Using recurrent neural networks,we generated a training corpus and were able to train a highly accurate model that qualitatively and quantitatively improved a baseline model. To demonstrate our new approach experimentally, we employ a real-life research question based on existing humanities collections. We use neural network based sentiment analysis to decode Holocaust memories and present a methodology to combine supervised and unsupervised sentiment analysis to analyse the oral history interviews of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. Finally, we employed three advanced methods of computational semantics. These helped us decipher the decisions by the neural network and understand, for instance, the complex sentiments around family memories in the testimonies.
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