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    08 February 2022, Volume 2 Issue 1
    Digital Humanities: Towards New Liberal Arts: Review of the 3rd Conference of Chinese Digital Humanities 2021
    Peng Yunzhu, Wang Runqi
    2022, 2(1):  3-12. 
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    It is an unremitting pursuit of contemporary scholars to build disciplines. The conference M New Liberal Arts? Positing the Digital Humanities in the New Era:The Third Conference of Chinese Digital Humanities"  organized by the Nanjing University and the Chinese Society of Indexing,has been held online on November 6 and 7 ,2021. This paper uses measurement and analysis methods to sort out the conference four types of papers presented at this conference,keynote lectures,group presentations,young scholars ’
 forums,and reports on digital infrastructure construction. This conference also collected and awarded outstanding digital the world. These fully demonstrate the research,construction achievements and reflections in China’s digital humanities field in 2021. Apart from that,this conference pioneered the " Digital Humanities Open Data Innovation Research Competition" with the help of a commercial platform and actively explored the integration path of industry,academia,and research in humanities. From this conference, we can see the opportunities offered by digital humanities under the digital wave , which can promote humanities , social sciences and science and engineering scholars to carry out multi-faced and multiple collaborations and innovations in research paradigms and contents. However, due to the pandemic, the conference failed to achieve the expected results in terms of international conversations.

    Design and Construction of Special Historical Place Names Database Based on TGIS – Case study of "Digital Historical Yellow River" Place Name Database 

    Pan Wei, Bai Jiang-tao, Xia Cui-juan, Liu Qi-en
    2022, 2(1):  13-24. 
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    By introducing the spatio-temporal framework and big data technology into the historical place databasethis paper provides an idea and method based on the temporal and spatial framework and Temporal Geographic Information System (TGIS) for the development of historical place support for updating and maintaining historical place innating historical place" digital historical Yellow River" is constructed. This place names information system. It offers big data of preserving and dissem--names information and explores information based on modern information technology. Under the guidance of this idea, the database includes a historical placation management system suitable for the study of the history of the Yellow River and has targeted space-time analysis tools and historical place names update mechanisms based on big data. It also provides a reference for the information other than the place names of administrative districts and settlements such as water conservancy place names, etc.
    Reconstruction of Information Dissemination Network in Historical Period:Based Postal Network of Several Provinces in the Yellow River Basin in Modern Times
    Hou De, Yang Xunyi, Wang Zhe
    2022, 2(1):  25-38. 
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    In modern times,the elements of industrialization gradually entered China,and with the help of the modern postal network,the modern Chinese government and people's understanding of time and space was reshaped.In order to obtain the most high-precision network of traffic accessibility and information accessibility in modern times, we digitized the 1936 postal atlas of several provinces in the Yellow River Basin based on GIS technology,and reconstructed the most important civil information network at that time. Based on this successful case,we could believe that the technical processes of the information dissemination network reconstruction in historical periods (such as modern times) has matured.This paper will elaborate on the technical process of information network reconstruction,as well as some successful and failed experiences in basemap selection,vectorization method selection,and multi-data source integration based on this case.
    Spatial Distribution of Cities and Towns in the Late Qing Dynasty and Early Republic of China and Evaluation of Modern Economic Vitality Based on Multi-Source Data: Taking the Yellow River Basin as an Example
    Li Shuang, Sun Tao
    2022, 2(1):  39-51. 
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    As one of the important birth places of Chinese civilization, there are numerous historical cities and towns in the Yellow River Basin. Under the strategic background of ecological protection and high-quality development in the Yellow River Basin, the evaluation of the economic vitality of historical cities and towns is of great significance for the perception of regional human settlements and the overall assessment of the current status of the protection and utilization of historical cities and towns. Using multi-source spatial data (including topographic maps in the late Qing Dynasty and Early Repulic of China, and today's remote sensing images) to accurately locate historical towns in the Yellow River Basin, we performed multivariate quantitative analysis of area, distance from the river, elevation, slope, etc. ,and analyzed the spatial distribution using the nuclear density method. By constructing two light brightness indices of Luojia 1-01 night time light imagery,the economic vitality of historical city sites was identified,and the influencing factors of night light index was explored. Analyzing the results of night economic classification of cities and towns allows for the study of the protection and utilization of historical city sites in the Yellow River Basin and analysis of the integrity and spatial differences of regional historical cities and towns. In addition, this research also provides new ideas and attempts for historical urban geography and other related research from a data and methods perspective.
    Digital Humanities and Digital Social Reading
    Simone Rebora, Peter Boot, Federico Pianzola, Brigitte Gasser, J.Berenike Herrmann, Maria Kraxenberger, Moniek M.Kuijpers, Gerhard Lauer, Piroska, Lendvai, Thomas C.Messerli, Pasqualina Sorrentino, Trans.WangLirui
    2022, 2(1):  52-67. 
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    Prominent among the social developments that the web 2.0 has facilitated is digital social reading (DSR):on many platforms there are functionalities for creating bookreviews,'inline'commenting on book texts, online story writing(often in the formof fanfiction),informal book discussions,book vlogs,and more. In this article,weargue that DSR offers unique possibilities for research into literature,reading,theimpact of reading and literary communica- tion.We also claim that in this context computational tools are especially relevant, making DSR a field particularly suit- ablefor the application of Digital Humanities methods. We draw up an initial categorization of research aspects of DSR and briefly examine literature for each category. We distinguish between studies on DSR that use it as a lens to study wider processesof literary exchange as opposed to studies for which the DSR culture is a phenomenon interesting in its own right.Via seven examples of DSR research,we discuss the chosen approaches and their connection to research questions in literarystudies.

    Visualizing Music Similarity:Clustering and Mapping 500 Classical Music Composers
    Patrick Georges, Ngoc Nguyen, Trans.Zhang Jiaming
    2022, 2(1):  68-85. 
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    This paper applies clustering techniques and multi-dimensional scaling (MDS) analysis to a 500 x 500 composers'similarity/distance matrix. The objective is to visualizeor translate the similarity matrix into dendro- grams and maps of classical (European art) music composers. We construct dendrograms and maps for the Baroque, Classical ,and Romantic periods ,and a map that represents seven centuries of European art music in one single graph. Finally,we also use linear and non - linear canonical correlation analyses to identify variables underlying the dimen- sions generated by the MDS methodology.
    Digital Imaging in Historical Linguistics: The Guyinxiaojing Website
    Sheng Yihan, Tian Yujiao
    2022, 2(1):  86-99. 
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    The Guyinxiaojing is a non - profit historical linguistics knowledge sharing website created and opera- ted by individuals. It adopts a model in which many traditional Chinese linguistics enthusiasts provide materials and participate in the construction. As a linguistic database,Guyinxiaojing contains important materials in various fields of traditional Chinese linguistics. With a wide range of contents , novel and diverse presentation formats,and various practical tools,this website facilitates the teaching and research of traditional linguistics. As a mature digital humanities pro- ject based on the crowdsourcing construction of manyenthusiasts,Guyinxiaojing has achieved excellent results in many aspects such as resources digitization,database construction,functional services,website operation,etc.,and is unique and sustainable. Such project's organization and construction results are worthy of referencefor constructing linguistics databases and all digital humanities projects.
    Japanese Digital Humanities Lurking Beneath Digital Archive and Data Science—A Country Perspective
    2022, 2(1):  100-112. 
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    Different from the boom in Europe,the United States and China,Japanese Digital Humanities research has been developing in a bottom - up pattern, showing a practice - oriented, internally directed development. Based on interviews with seven Japanese scholars from different humanities and social disciplines, the development of DH in Japan and the issues it encompasses are sorted out from three aspects: experiences and problems in the process of Digital Archive construction, the current state of acceptance of DH in Japan, and the future development of DH driven by Data Science, which are full of thought - provoking reflections. From a comparative perspective, three reflections are offered on the common problems in the development of DH across countries: the appropriateness of evaluating existing research results by "DH” ,the possibility of sustaining the development of DH by combining policy orientation and academic consciousness, and the importance of cultivating and implementing " Digital Thinking" for the promotion of both international and local DH in the region.