数字人文研究 ›› 2024, Vol. 4 ›› Issue (4): 67-83.

• 攻玉以石 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2024-12-28 发布日期:2025-02-05
  • 基金资助:


Study on the Spatial and Temporal Distribution Structure of Evidence Chain in the Testimony Collection of Former Japanese Bacteriological Fighters from the Perspective of Knowledge Reorganization

  1. 任越(通讯作者),黑龙江大学信息管理学院副院长、教授;谭科铭,黑龙江大学信息管理学院硕士研究生;李泊泳,黑龙江大学信息管理学院硕士研究生。
  • Online:2024-12-28 Published:2025-02-05



关键词: 知识重组 , 数字人文 , 日本军细菌战 , 知识挖掘 , 知识组织


As an oral archive, the collection of testimonies of former Japanese bacteriological warfare members is a relatively comprehensive and objective historical document reflecting the situation of bacteriological warfare of Japanese invaders in China. It is suitable for mining based on knowledge reorganization theory to supplement macro historical facts with details from an individual perspective. This paper uses social network analysis and content analysis, Neo4j graphic database and ArcGIS GIS to visually display and discover related forces, experimental locations, department composition, branch information, witness relationship, defeated evacuation route and other contents in the file text. Thus, the complex relationship between the characters in the Testimonies can be expressed concretely; Taking the supply route of plague germ warfare in Ningbo as an example, the role of the research results in revealing historical details and excavating evidence chain network is demonstrated. There were also inconsistencies in some of the testimony. It provides a useful reference for subsequent more accurate and targeted historical data combing for key figures and sites, and provides a basis for correlation with other relevant research data, and also provides a demonstration for feasible oral history archive content mining. In addition, the institute makes a network of human relations, knowledge map. It not only fully confirmed the systematization and scale of bacterial warfare of Japanese invaders in China, but also as an intuitive, three-dimensional and visual knowledge picture, it is easier to understand and can be widely used in public history education.

Key words: knowledge reorganization , digital humanities , germ warfare by the Japanese army , knowledge mining , knowledge organization
