数字人文研究 ›› 2022, Vol. 2 ›› Issue (2): 3-6.

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  1. 美国夏威夷大学哲学系
  • 出版日期:2022-07-08 发布日期:2022-09-05

On Digital Humanities: from a Philosophical -- Cultural Point of view


  1. Department of philosophy, University of Hawaii, USA
  • Online:2022-07-08 Published:2022-09-05

摘要: 实现数字人文是一个方法论问题,数字人文的实现可以赋予史料文本客观化、数字化的表达,概念的数字化处理首先应完成对语言层面最基本单位的数字化,当我们把文本、语言单位梳理清晰后,人文数字化才有意义,我们才能实现诠释现象、探索真理的目标。人类的知性非常复杂,人类自诞生始就既有个体性又有群体性,随着成长,人由一种非自觉存在转变为自觉的存在,人文学科正是要实现生命个体的完满,进而推动生命群体的不断发展提升。数字化人文可以通过对古文本的利用,校验中国早期哲学概念的地位与重要性, 也能够帮助我们更好地把握中国历史辉煌成就, 数字人文的重大意义就在于它可以化主观为客观,化直觉为理性,能够建立一个存在的文化的架构,让丰富璀璨的中国文化能够更好地被推广到世界各地。数字人文势必在促进人类和平建设、共同发展方面发挥巨大作用。

关键词: 人文数字化, 语句单位, 哲学角度, 世界视野人文数字化

Abstract: To digitalize humanities (human sciences)       has profound philosophical and cultural significances. It is a matter of transforming our subjectivities and intrinsic values based on our best feelings and mental thinking on life and reality into manageable form of objectivity. The question is how to do it? I propose in this paper to consider identifying unit of linguistic meanings in our Classical Texts and use relevant words and sentences to organize different forms of discourses from various schools of philosophy and recognize the dominant and outstanding arguments and positions for explaining relevant historical events and trends as well      philosophical points. It serves the purpose of understanding history in a better way, and at the meantime constructing and I forecasting visions of human future under present and other presupposed conditions of human behavior. Digital humanities therefore can be used to promote Chinese humanities including Chinese philosophy and Chinese culture for a worthwhile world-vision of peace and prosperity of mankind.

Key words:

digitalizing humanities, units of linguistic meaning, forms of discourses, philosophy points, world-vision
