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    Panorama and Prospect:Digital Humanities and National Strategy for Digitalization of CultureOverview of the 2022 China Digital Humanities Conference

    Yang Zekun, Li Shaojian, Kai Limai
    Digital Humanities Research    2023, 3 (1): 3-17.  
    Abstract667)      PDF(pc) (1824KB)(1233)       Save
    Co-hosted by the School of Information Resource Management of Renmin University China,the Re- search Center for Digital Humanities of Renmin University China,and the Digital Humanities Professional Committee of the China Society of Indexers,the 2022 China Digital Humanities Annual Conference (CDH 2022) was held online from November 26th to 27th,2022. With the theme of " Panorama and Prospect:Digital Humanities and National Strat- egy for Digitalization of Culture" and under the background of the National Strategy for Digitalization of Culture,the conference discussed the long-term blueprint for the panoramic presentation of Chinese culture and the continuous ex- pansion and breakthrough of digital humanities in depth. The conference held eight general forums and two youth forums to present the papers,selected and awarded outstanding digital humanities papers and projects,and founded an education sub-forum. This paper summarizes the papers,projects,and the education sub-forum discussions of this an- nual conference and analyzes the current research trend and major research topics of Chinese digital humanities re- search.
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    Analysis of the Digital Humanities Culture Analytics Field and Application Prospect of Large Language Models—Interview with Professor Matthew Wilkens
    Matthew Wilkens Yang Xiaoyan
    Digital Humanities Research    2023, 3 (2): 3-14.  
    Abstract411)      PDF(pc) (11481KB)(207)       Save
    Cultural analytics under the digital humanities is a research field where scholars combine quantitative analysis from mathematics,statistics,and social sciences with complex large-scale social and cultural datasets. The article is an interview with Dr. Matthew Wilkens of Cornell University,an active scholar in this field. It includes an introduction to the current situation of the field,his research experience,prospects,educational ideas,and more. Dr. Wilkens believes that the methods and technologies of digital humanistic culture analysis are transferable,but to avoid the impulse of generalization and generalization,the field still faces two major challenges: one technical and one conceptual.In particular,the idea that literary and historical problems such as cultural evolution cannot be solved by close reading and that the core of some quantitative research is still humanism is still difficult to accept. This difficulty of conceptual change will make digital humanities research within the humanities stagnate. At present,there are signs that the growth of digital humanities will occur in information science and other technical disciplines. At the same time,the rapidly developing large-scale generative models have great application potential in the field of cultural analytics. It will be an important trend for humanists to cooperate with developers of large-scale language models in the future.
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    Digital Humanities Research    2022, 2 (4): 3-13.  
    Abstract258)      PDF(pc) (2643KB)(451)       Save
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    Virtual Museums as An Extended Museum Experience:Challenges and Impacts for Museology,Digital Humanities,Museums and Visitors —in Times of (Coronavirus) Crisis
    Bernadette Biedermann Trans. Gao Yan
    Digital Humanities Research    2023, 3 (2): 15-30.  
    Abstract250)      PDF(pc) (12541KB)(130)       Save
    Since there has been a recent trend to establishing virtual museums,which various institutions have swiftly responded to,the objective of this paper is to understand the nature of virtual and / or digital museums by focusing on their particular characteristics. In this approach,the paper proceeds from the assumption that museum representations in the virtual space and / or virtual museums could extend conventional or physical museum space,leading to enhanced visitor attraction and experience. The paper thus focuses on the virtual museum as an interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary object of investigation from the perspective of museology and digital humanities and seeks to ascertain whether scholarly and practical impacts are achieved. It also analyses the expected impacts on practical museum work and visitor needs,especially with respect to the tasks museums are required to fulfil in times of crisis.
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    The New Liberal Arts and New Digital Humanities Education
    Feng Huiling
    Digital Humanities Research    2022, 2 (4): 14-21.  
    Abstract220)      PDF(pc) (1067KB)(215)       Save
    This article summarizes the new characteristics of digital humanities educationas new educational pattern,new goals,new structure,and new roles. The new educational idea runs through the above-mentioned new characteristics. Digital humanities education has no definite position in the current discipline map. The intersection and cutting-in of multi-discipline make the discipline affiliation of digital humanities educationa diversified pattern. Digital humanities education does not pursue imparting definite knowledge,but aims to guide students to embrace open knowledge and strengthen thinking training. The long-span,multi-cues,and deeply integrated knowledge intersection of digital humanities has triggered multi-level structural updates,such as curriculum structure,teacher team structure,and teacher-student knowledge structure. Digital humanities education must shift from one-way indoctrination to student participatory learning,give more teaching resources to students,and implement open source education,which will lead to changes in the traditional roles of teachers and students.
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    What Does A Photograph Sound Like? Digital Image Sonification As Synesthetic AudioVisual Digital Humanities
    Michael J. Kramer Trans. Zhu Zitong
    Digital Humanities Research    2022, 2 (4): 63-73.  
    Abstract207)      PDF(pc) (7258KB)(121)       Save
    Computers have the capacity to transpose the pixels,shapes,and other features of visualmaterial into sound. This act of data correlation between the visual and the audial produces anew artifact,a sonic composition created from the visual source. The new artifact,however,correlates precisely to data in the original,thus allowing for fresh ways of perceiving its form,content,and context. Seeming to distort the visual object into an aural one paradoxically allowsan observer to observe the visual evidence anew,with more accuracy. A kind of generative,synesthetic criticism becomes possible by cutting across typical boundaries between the visualand the audio,the optic and the aural. Listening to as well as looking at visual artifacts by wayof digital transpositions of data enables better close readings,more compelling interpretations, and deeper contextual understandings. Building on my earlier scholarship into image glitching,remixing,and sonification,this essay investigates a photograph of Joan Baez performing at theGreek Amphitheater in Berkeley,California,during the early 1960s. The image comes from myproject on the Berkeley Folk Music Festival and the history of the folk music revival on the WestCoast of the United States. Here,the use of digital image sonification becomes particularlyintriguing. While we cannot magically recover the music being made in the photograph,we can more closely attend to the ghosts of sound within the silent snapshot. Digital image sonification does not recover the music itself, but it does help to amplify issues of gender, power, embodiment, spectacle, performance, hierarchy, and performance in my perceptions of Baezmaking music in the photograph. Using the ear as well as the eye to scan the image for itsmultiple levels of meaning leads to unsuspected perceptions,which then support morerevealing analysis. In
    digital image sonification,a cyborgian dance of data,signal,image,sound,history,and human perception emerges,activating visual materials for renewed scrutiny. In doing so,this mode of AudioVisual DH activates the scholarly imagination in promising newways.
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    An On-Site Study and Its GIS Presentation of the Grand Canal in Painting Album of the Great Canal Journeys by Qian Gu and Visual Travelogue of A Journey Through the Waterways by Zhang Fu of Ming Dynasty

    Chien Chin-Sung Liao Hsiung-Ming Wang Yong Zhang Shujun Tang Chen Yan Cheng Xie Dinghong
    Digital Humanities Research    2023, 3 (1): 50-60.  
    Abstract197)      PDF(pc) (4617KB)(727)       Save

    Qian Gu(钱榖) 's Painting Album of the Great Canal Journeys(《纪行图册》) was based on Wang Shizhen(王世贞)'s Shi Jin Ji Xing(《适晋纪行》) in the fourth year of the Longqing reign (1570) in June and was painted into 32 scenes from Cangshan Xiaozhi Garden(仓山小祗园) to Yangzhou Yangzi Bridge(扬州扬子桥). Zhang Fu(张复)'s Visual Travelogue of A Journey Through the Waterways(《水程图》)was drawn on the boat going north when Wang Shizhen entered the position of Taipu(太仆) in the second year of Wanli (1574) in February. He depicted 52 scenes from Shao Bo(邵伯)to Tongzhou(通州). Both works were done in a realistic style and are consid- ered exceptional in the Ming dynasty's painting history. This article uses the on-site study method to undertake three tasks. First,since Wang Shizhen's trip to the north coincided with the Great Canal's changing period during the comple- tion of the Longqing Xinhe(隆庆新河) and the discussion of the Jiahe(泇河),this article intends to digitize all the waterways they passed through. Second,Qian Gu stated that he wanted to record the true landscape at that time,so this article uses travel diaries,local gazetteers,ancient and modern maps,and my own research results through the on-site study to explain each illustration and verify the degree of realism depicted by the painters. Third,the value of the more than 80 scenes is like discovering a large box of Ming dynasty videotapes. This article will reveal the true appearance of the Great Canal in the Ming dynasty in a visual and expressive manner through the true nature of the scenes.

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    Transcend the Generation Gap: A Computational Film Study on Chinese Films from the 1990s
    Li Yi, Chen Tao
    Digital Humanities Research    2023, 3 (1): 79-94.  
    Abstract196)      PDF(pc) (18847KB)(81)       Save
    The method of computational film studies promises a new approach to studying films with statistics and big data. It aims at analyzing formal characteristics of films systematically and digitally in order to fulfill alternative historical narratives and theoretical potential. In this approach,this paper,from the perspective of computational film studies,explores diachronic changes of the formal characteristics in Chinese films from the 1990s by using the online platform and its software,cinemetrics,which includes cutting rates,average shot length,and shot movements. Based on the visualization of relevant statistics,this paper not only re - examines the discourses on generation gaps among different directors throughout the history of contemporary Chinese films,but also re - maps the stylistic characteristics of different directors. It argues that the average shot length of the Chinese movies has declined since 1990s,which results from the market - oriented reform in Chinese film industry. In other words,the pace of contemporary Chinese films becomes faster and faster. During this period, contradictions and choices between " fast " and " slow " have transcended the classification of different generations,as well as its political preconditions,becoming a fundamental problem that all films and directors must solve. In this case,different solutions to this problem provide us new links and categories beyond traditional film studies,and eventually create two modes of acceleration aesthetics.
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    Towards 2030 Cross-generational Research of the Metaverse: The Strategic Proposal for Digital Humanities of Chinese Opera Education
    Wang Tai-jui
    Digital Humanities Research    2022, 2 (4): 38-62.  
    Abstract191)      PDF(pc) (26300KB)(71)       Save
    It is of great significance to assist the contemporary expression of Chinese opera,which is the cultural gene of the Chinese nation,with the power of scientific and technological innovation. Applying metaverse-related production technologies such as XR (VR/ AR/ MR) related software and hardware,volumetric capture ,motion capture, and 3D holographic images,etc. ,to explore the construction process of excellent performers,will assist in the Chinese opera education and training. This will also be able to achieve a new format of digital culture with a more comprehensive overall planning and design encompassing man, machine, environment, etc. in education, learning, creation,research,industry-university cooperation,etc. The " Strategic Proposal for Digitalization of Chinese Opera Education" was formed based on the above-mentioned related research. It is a cross-field combination of art (Chinese opera),education (technology),and research (experiment). The 2030 metaverse generation requires the index quality needed for the professional education of Chinese opera art in order to enhance the performance ability of practitioners of various opera types and the appreciation ability of young audiences. It is also expected to generate new generations of opera literacy education in the context of Chinese culture on both sides of the strait and even around the world. In this way,a new thinking force that is like the cross-field category of the Renaissance will gradually be interpreted in the big data of the artificial intelligence cloud era.
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    Research on the Construction of "Metadata Ontology" of Chinese Traditional Music Knowledge Base#br#
    Cao Junjun, Li Junxuan, Wang Yuhe
    Digital Humanities Research    2022, 2 (4): 22-37.  
    Abstract162)      PDF(pc) (9305KB)(204)       Save
    The construction of the knowledge base of Chinese traditional music resources is in line with the cultural strategies of China to promote national music and prosper the music industry, and it also meets the demands of the joint construction of library resources in the music circle. The construction of " metadata ontology" is the key point, especially the design for the characteristics of Chinese traditional music and the knowledge structure of Chinese traditional musicology. The research is based on the practice of the "Chinese Traditional Music Culture Resource Bank" in the library of the China Conservatory of Music, especially in combination with the characteristics of its " image records" ,to carry out the design of the basic ontology scheme; combined with the characteristics of traditional music culture related to multiple fields, it constructs corresponding categories, relationships and semantic constraints, such as involving music genres, musical instruments, and thesaurus of ethnic groups, and semantic associations with repertoire, musicians, regions, and written documents. This program will benefit traditional music classification research and knowledge retrieval in vertical fields, and has application prospects in music geography and music anthropology community analysis.The construction of the knowledge base of Chinese traditional music resources is in line with the cultural strategies of China to promote national music and prosper the music industry, and it also meets the demands of the joint construction of library resources in the music circle. The construction of " metadata ontology" is the key point, especially the design for the characteristics of Chinese traditional music and the knowledge structure of Chinese traditional musicology. The research is based on the practice of the " Chinese Traditional Music Culture Resource Bank" in the library of the China Conservatory of Music, especially in combination with the characteristics of its "image records" ,to carry out the design of the basic ontology scheme; combined with the characteristics of traditional music
    culture related to multiple fields, it constructs corresponding categories, relationships and semantic constraints, such as involving music genres, musical instruments, and thesaurus of ethnic groups, and semantic associations with repertoire, musicians, regions, and written documents. This program will benefit traditional music classification research and knowledge retrieval in vertical fields, and has application prospects in music geography and music anthropology community analysis.
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    Knowledge Extraction of Cultural Heritage Information Resources Based on Keywords
    Peng Bo
    Digital Humanities Research    2023, 3 (2): 39-49.  
    Abstract152)      PDF(pc) (5937KB)(129)       Save

    With the explosive growth of cultural heritage information resources, efficient extraction methods of unstructured data affects the spread of Chinese traditional culture. This article takes the text of cultural heritage information resources as the research object, proposes to classify them by sources, select keyword extraction methods according to different knowledge distribution characteristics, and retrieve cultural heritage entities and relationships in the knowledge graph after obtaining keywords to complete the path of knowledge extraction. The experimental results show that the categorized keyword extraction method established by the research can improve more than 50% compared with other methods, and can better extract the cultural heritage knowledge in unstructured data.

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    The Digital Turn in Early Modern Japanese Studies
    Zhou Ruiqi Guan Fanyi
    Digital Humanities Research    2023, 3 (2): 116-128.  
    Abstract151)      PDF(pc) (5106KB)(140)       Save
    Hosted by the University of Cambridge, the international symposium “The Digital Turn in Early Modern Japanese Studies” was held online from December 2nd to 4th,2022. “Early Modern Japan” is one of the most rapidly advancing and fertile fields in Japanese digital humanities research at this stage,and this conference showcased the characteristics of current Japanese DH research to some extent. The application of digital technologies and tools, such as OCR technology,the IIIF framework,GIS systems,and high - magnification digital microscopes,has pushed forward research on many fundamental issues in early modern Japanese studies,including handwriting recognition and reading. Also,digital humanities research has made excellent achievements in art,literature,and print culture,further promoting the accessibility of resources and the revitalization of traditional disciplines. At the same time,challenges like unresolved technical issues and the adaptability of digital resources still existed,as well as issues regarding the research environment,concepts,and ethics. Last but not least,some research perspectives shown at the conference could inspire Chinese digital humanities research,such as the emphasis on constructing portal websites and awareness of serving a wider range of people.
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    An On-Site Study and Its GIS Presentation of the Grand Canal in Painting Album of the Great Canal Journeys by Qian Gu and Visual Travelogue of a Journey Through the Waterways by Zhang Fu of Ming Dynasty
    Chien Chin-Sung Liao Hsiung-Ming Wang Yong Zhang Shujun Tang Chen Yan Cheng Xie Dinghong
    Digital Humanities Research    2023, 3 (2): 50-115.  
    Abstract148)      PDF(pc) (75142KB)(110)       Save
    Qian Gu(钱穀)’s Painting Album of the Great Canal Journeys(《纪行图册》)was based on Wang Shizhen(王世贞)’s Shi Jin Ji Xing(《适晋纪行》)in the fourth year of the Longqing reign (1570) in June and was painted into 32 scenes from Cangshan Xiaozhi Garden(仓山小祗园) to Yangzhou Yangzi Bridge( 扬州扬子桥). Zhang Fu(张复)’s Visual Travelogue of A Journey Through the Waterways(《水程图》)was drawn on the boat going north when Wang Shizhen entered the position of Taipu(太仆) in the second year of Wanli (1574) in February. He depicted 52 scenes from Shao Bo(邵伯)to Tongzhou(通州). Both works were done in a realistic style and are considered exceptional in the Ming dynasty’s painting history. This article uses the on-site study method to undertake three tasks. First,since Wang Shizhen’s trip to the north coincided with the Great Canal’s changing period during the completion of the Longqing Xinhe(隆庆新河)and the discussion of the Jiahe(泇河),this article intends to digitize all the waterways they passed through. Second,Qian Gu stated that he wanted to record the true landscape at that time,so this article uses travel diaries,local gazetteers,ancient and modern maps,and my own research results through the on-site study to explain each illustration and verify the degree of realism depicted by the painters. Third,the value of the more than 80 scenes is like discovering a large box of Ming dynasty videotapes. This article will reveal the true appearance of the Great Canal in the Ming dynasty in a visual and expressive manner through the true nature of the scenes.
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    Reflection on the Method of Gathering of Scattered Literature in the Digital Humanity Era
    Tang Chen Zhang Ping
    Digital Humanities Research    2023, 3 (2): 31-38.  
    Abstract145)      PDF(pc) (1377KB)(110)       Save

    In the era of digital humanities, the work of gathering scattered literature puts forward two requirements for scholars. First, we should continue the experience of Gathering of Scattered Writings, Bibliography and Textualcriticism, and actively connect with the latest technology in the field of digital humanities. In the preliminary preparation stage, the scope of literature should be defined in combination with the traditional experience of bibliography. At the stage of deep excavation and expansion, digital humanistic means such as GIS and Social Network Analysis should be used to assist in our work. In the stage of editing and proofreading, we should pay close attention to the objects for a long time, and repeatedly use the latest data and databases to carry out the continuation and proofreading. In the stage of counterfeit identification, we should flexibly use the traditional life textual research method and the digital textual research method. The second requirement is to use various databases and tools flexibly. For searchable databases, keywords need to be set in advance and supplemented and adjusted at any time based on the collected data. Among the existing search-type databases, the local chronicles database has the greatest potential for our work and is worth strengthening. For the image database that cannot be full-text retrieved, we can compile a thematic index or build a title database by self, so as to establish a new growth point for our work. In addition, some commonly used databases in other fields, such as CNKI and DUXIU, can sometimes provide unexpected help for our work too.

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    Naming taboo for Prince Yonglian, Hier Apparent Duanhui: An E-Textual Research Case Study
    Huang Yi-Long
    Digital Humanities Research    2023, 3 (1): 61-78.  
    Abstract143)      PDF(pc) (30232KB)(52)       Save
    This paper clarifies the naming taboo for Prince Yonglian,Hier Apparent Duanhui. By analyzing a large number of textual evidence in relation to this tabooing case,this study uses e - textual research to shed new light on the complex naming taboo practices during the Qing dynasty. The first known case of naming taboo on Yonglian's name occurred in the ninth year of Jiaqing reign. To show respect towards his late brother,Jiaqing emperor ordered the newly appointed prefect of Jinzhou,Shanlian,to change the second character of his name to another " lian. " However, any previously appointed officials with this character in their names were permitted to keep their names. The tabooing rule then applied to anyone who took the provincial level exams. But this regulation did not extend to lower level clerks and commoners. For this reason,the character " lian" was almost obsolete among higher level officials through the late Qing. Nevertheless,such taboo was not enforced in books ( both manuscript and print). While there were instances where authors avoided the character by using an alternative character or omitting the last stroke in the character,such tabooing practice was not consistent or commonplace. This proves that the naming taboo for Yonglian was nowhere regulated enough to be used as proof for dating texts. For example,Jia Lian,a major character in the Dreams of the Red Chamber shares the character " lian" with Prince Yonglian. But I argue that one cannot date a specific version of said book solely based on whether Jia Lian's name was altered (or not) in observation of the naming taboo.
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    A Data-driven Approach to Studying Changing Vocabularies in Historical Newspaper Collections

    Simon Hengchen, Ruben Ros, Jani Marjane, Mikko Tolonen, Trans. Fang Huakang
    Digital Humanities Research    2022, 2 (4): 74-92.  
    Abstract140)      PDF(pc) (6353KB)(294)       Save
    Nation and nationhood are among themost frequently studied concepts in the field ofintellectual history. At the same time,theword ‘nation and its historical usage are veryvague. The aim in this article was to develop a data-drivenmethod using dependencyparsing and neuralword embeddings to clarify some of the vagueness in the evo- lutionthis concept. To this end,we propose the following two-step method. First,usinglinguistic processing,we create a large set of words pertaining to the topic of nation. Second,we traindiachronicwordembeddings anduse themto quantify the strength ofthe semantic similarity between these words and thereby create meaningful clusters,which are then a- ligned diachronically. To illustrate the robustness of the study acrosslanguages,time spans,as well as large datasets,we apply it to the entirety of fivehistorical newspaper archives in Dutch,Swedish,Finnish,and English. To our knowledge, thus far there have been no large-scale comparative studies of this kind thatpurport to grasp long-term developments in as many as four different languages in adata-driven way. A particular strength of themethod we describe in this article is that,by design,it is not limited to the study of nationhood,but rather expands beyond it toother research questions and is reusable in different contexts.
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    Digital Humanities Research    2022, 2 (4): 107-108.  
    Abstract137)      PDF(pc) (1290KB)(158)       Save
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    Infrastructuring Digital Humanities:on Relational Infrastructure and Global Reconfiguration of The Field
    Urszula Pawlicka Deger Trans, Guo Jianan
    Digital Humanities Research    2023, 3 (1): 24-37.  
    Abstract136)      PDF(pc) (1420KB)(148)       Save
    How do the power dynamics of actors in digital knowledge production define the contours of global sci- ence and humanities? Where are scholars now in their efforts to improve a networked,global academic system based on the values of equal access to resources,inclusive participation,and the diversity of epistemologies? This article inter- venes in these questions by discussing social dimensions of global knowledge infrastructure—connection,standardiza- tion,and access—to understand the specification and materialization of global digital humanities ( DH). As digital practices expand across the world,the DH community struggles to ensure inclusive participation and equal opportunities in developing the field. This article shows that discrepancies in global DH lie at the root of existing infrastructure ine- qualities. Drawing on science and technology studies,it then argues that in order to overcome these imbalances,the aca- demic community can seek the ‘ infrastructuring’ of DH. Infrastructuring is an analytical concept that shifts attention from ‘structure’ to ‘process’ of co-creation in the vein of participatory design that foregrounds public engagement, shared interest,and long-term relationships with stakeholders to create networks from which equal opportunities and new forms of connections can emerge. This would involve building an inclusive network of unique nodes of local com- munities on top of the global knowledge infrastructure.
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    Establishment of C. P. C Organization History Database
    Li Lei
    Digital Humanities Research    2023, 3 (1): 38-49.  
    Abstract122)      PDF(pc) (17536KB)(53)       Save

    Based on the document style and editing format of " Documents on the Organization History of the Communist Party of China" ,C. P. C Organization History Database tries to extract the core data in digital humanities view — basic information and list of leaders ( July 1921 to September 1949) — and establish a relationship model which from the two perspectives:Organization and Person. On the basis of completing the existing text data,this data- base gradually enrich the organization’s geographic information,category,label;ensure the spatiotemporal scalability of data and the potential for multi-dimensional analysis. It provides support for solving the problems related to information sorting in the study of the C. P. C organization history.

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    ROSSIO Infrastructure: A Digital Humanities Platform to Explore the Portuguese Cultural Heritage
    Gonçalo M. d. Silva, Ana C. Glória, Ângela S. Salgueiro, Bruno Almeida, Daniel Monteiro, Marco R. d. Freitas, Nuno Freire, Trans. Liu Yusi
    Digital Humanities Research    2023, 3 (1): 95-112.  
    Abstract118)      PDF(pc) (4638KB)(101)       Save
    The ROSSIO Infrastructure is developing a free and open-access platform for aggregating, organising, and connecting the digital resources in the Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities provided by Portuguese higher education and cultural institutions. This paper presents an overview of the ROSSIO Infrastructure, its main objectives, the institutions involved, and the services offered by the infrastructure’s aims through its platform—namely, a discovery portal, digital exhibitions, collections, and a virtual research environment. These services rely on a metadata-aggregation solution for bringing the digital objects’ metadata from the providing institutions into ROSSIO. The aggregated datasets are converted into linked data and undergo an enrichment process based on controlled vocabularies, which are developed and published by ROSSIO. The paper will describe this process, the applications involved, and how they interoperate. We will further reflect on how these services may enhance the dissemination of science, considering the FAIR principles.
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    Study on Tongyuan Zidian with Database Method

    Fang Shuyi
    Digital Humanities Research    2022, 2 (4): 93-106.  
    Abstract117)      PDF(pc) (1126KB)(383)       Save
    As Wang Li is masterpiece in his later years,Tongyuan Zidian is of epoch-making significance in the history of Chinese etymology. Due to the complexity of the text in Tongyuan Zidian,quantitative analysis can only be  carried out effectively relying on computer information processing. Based on MS Access 2019 platform, the establishment of a full-text database not only helpsus to sort out those features,but also examines the distribution of cognate words in Chinese and their internal linking rules from multiple perspectives. In that case,all achievements or deficiencis of this book will be judged more objectively. Anyway,it will offer a newreference model to the later digitizing 
    workon the samekind of dictionaries.
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    Digital Humanities Research    2023, 3 (1): 18-23.  
    Abstract106)      PDF(pc) (3924KB)(131)       Save
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    Evaluating the Use of Old Cadastral Maps
    Carmen Femenia Ribera, Gaspar Mora Navarro, Luis J. Santos Pérez, Trans. Tian Qing
    Digital Humanities Research    2023, 3 (1): 113-128.  
    Abstract101)      PDF(pc) (11493KB)(38)       Save
    The old cadastral maps of the Spanish General Directorate for Cadastre (DGC) have always been in great demand. It was decided in 2012 to make an initial inventory of these maps with the type of information available, physical location,and condition. Subsequently,to evaluate their possible use,the inventory was examined to investigate whether these maps could be geographically referenced and made available on a geoportal. Several years later,it was determined that the inventory needed to be updated with a series of improvements (expanding the fields so that they become clearer,homogeneous,and more easily handled by software). A questionnaire was issued to technical specialists on property boundaries. As a principal conclusion we can highlight that the use of old cadastral maps in Spain is of great importance. The information on these maps is widely demanded by technical and legal experts who consider that
    an update and revision of the DGC inventory is essential. It is crucial that old cadastral maps are digitised and made available online,preferably free of charge and through an easy-to-use geoportal. The information on these maps helps to resolve property boundary disputes and has many other uses. Investment in the economic and human resources needed to preserve and publish these maps is essential given their great value.
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    Digital Humanities Research    2022, 2 (4): 109-112.  
    Abstract95)      PDF(pc) (944KB)(99)       Save
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